Showing posts with label coronary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coronary. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Left ventricular hypertrophy is the action of getting thickened the muscle of the left ventricle of the heart. Left ventricular hypertrophy is the natural result of the excessive strength straining and aerobic exercises. But the medical references prefer to regard it as the natural reaction of the heart to the cardiovascular disease. It is, basically, one of the types of heart disease.

The most amazing thing is that, left ventricular hypertrophy, by itself, is hardly considered as a severe disease, or at all a disease. But , the fact remains that it is the cause of a number of diseases that often turn to be quite serious. It can cause some diseases like Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy, that affect the muscles of the heart, and even leads to a sudden death of the affected person.

Left ventricular hypertrophy also causes tremendously high blood pressure. The very health problems and the health hazards are the symptoms and the signs of left ventricular hypertrophy. The person affected by left ventricular hypertrophy is found to take shorter breaths, since, he or she is simply unable to take natural length of breaths. The sufferer may also feel a pain in the chest. This pain can even turn to be very acute at times. In this condition, the patient should be given immediate treatment, since, this acute pain in the chest can even result in stroke or heart attack, either a mild one or even a severe one.

If a person suffers from left ventricular hypertrophy, he or she may also have very irregular heartbeats, which is quite sure a terrible discomfort for the person who is suffering. Dizziness is another sign of left ventricular hypertrophy. The affected person feels dizzy almost all the time. In addition to that, the person also might be feeling a reeling sensation in the head. Any person who is affected by left ventricular hypertrophy, must have the symptom of fainting frequently. The duration of the fainting may not be too long. If a person is found to be showing most of the signs and symptoms, mentioned here, he or she should be immediately given proper medication under the guidance of a veteran cardio expert.

Some of the causes of left ventricular hypertrophy are aortic stenosis, aortic valve regurgitation and extreme hypertension. Farther studies in this field have revealed that the aged persons are the easier targets of left ventricular hypertrophy, since most of the people who have been victimized by left ventricular hypertrophy are aged above 55. Therefore the older you grow, the more enriched is the possibility of getting attacked by left ventricular hypertrophy.

Take care of the weight of your body. Be healthy. But, do not gain extra weight. Have the habit of doing regular physical exercises that will help you losing extra weights, if you have gained any.

If any coronary disease prevails in the heart of a person, the possibility of his getting attacked by left ventricular hypertrophy. Coronary diseases also add to the troubles of left ventricular hypertrophy.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What Causes Heart Attacks and Heart Failure

Causes of Heart Attacks
We have all heard of heart attacks, this article sheds light on what causes heart attacks. A heart attack has many causes: however one occurs due to lack of oxygen rich blood in the heart coronary arteries are the blood vessels which supply the heart with oxygen and blood, blockage of coronary arteries causes injury to heart muscle.
So what causes heart attacks ?


This is usually a gradual process in which plaques or collections of cholesterol get deposited around artery walls. These plaques harden the artery walls, narrowing the lumen which is the inner channel of the artery. In many people, atherosclerosis can go unnoticed for years, in some cases beginning even from teenage years. The symptoms and health problems do not occur until later on in life when the narrowing of the artery becomes severe. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking and diabetes are just some of the things which accelerate atherosclerosis, especially in people with a family history of heart attacks.

Artery Spasm

An artery spasm is caused by constrictions of arteries which prevent oxygen rich blood from reaching the heart. The spasms are often caused by blood clots, fatty acid build ups on the artery wall and blood clots caused by plaque. Though spasms, don’t cause heart attacks each time the artery is affected but an artery spasm can cause permanent heart damage.

Drug Use

Drugs which speed up the cardiovascular system have been known to induce heart attacks. Cocaine usage on a regular basis can cause heart attacks due to the high dosage used to achieve the high. methamphetamine's have also been known to cause heart failure.

Causes of Heart Failure

Heart failure usually occurs after other conditions have weakened and damaged the heart. Over time the heart becomes too weak to perform its duty of pumping blood to the body. The ventricles which are the heart’s pumping chambers become stiff and are unable to properly fill in between the beats. The heart muscle weakens to the point that it cannot pump blood effectively throughout the body. Heart failure begins on the left ventricle. Signs of heart failure include: fatigue, chronic coughing, a rapid/ irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath amongst other symptoms.

Heart disease is a term used to cover conditions such as coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrest, congenital heart diseases and heart attack.The survival rate of cardiac arrest outside hospital is less than 2%. It takes only four to six minutes after a cardiac arrest for a person to experience brain death followed by loss of life.Most heart attacks occur in the morning. Reason being the stress hormones is higher and blood is usually thicker hence harder to pump as one is partially dehydrated.
Heart disease risk factors

Most heart disease risk factors are controllable with simple lifestyle changes. Some of these include: Smoking, unhealthy diets, stress, physical fitness as well as high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels which is a type of fat found in blood. Uncontrollable risk factors include: a family history of heart disease, age and gender.
Heart problems if left untreated can lead to death.

Having known what causes heart attacks, it is important to consult a doctor in case of any of the above signs.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What causes heart attacks? Myocardial Infractions Explained

Heart attack
Heart attack, or myocardial infarction as they are commonly referred to by doctors, occur when blood flow to a part of the heart that  is blocked for an extended period of time leading to the damage or death of tissues in that area which can lead to the heart muscles getting damaged and dying. And that is what causes heart attacks.

The main cause of heart attacks is the blockage of the coronary arteries that deliver blood to the heart. This blockage is caused mainly by the buildup of a substance called plaque which is mainly made up of cholesterol and other cells along the walls of the arteries stopping the flow of blood to the muscles starving them of oxygen and causing them to die. The actual causes of heart attacks are not well known, but they can be triggered by heavy physical activity, being active outside in the cold weather or by severe emotional and physical stress.

Causes of heart failure:

One contributing factor for heart attacks is coronary heart disease. This is governed by your heart disease risk factor. These are habits or conditions that increase your risk of getting coronary heart disease and these factors also increase the risk of coronary heart disease worsening.

The main heart disease risk factors are high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, smoking, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. Any one of or any combination of these factors greatly increases your likelihood of getting coronary heart disease.

Heart problems are another factor that causes heart attacks. These are related to cardiac heart disease. The main one is the clogging of the coronary arteries due to the buildup of plaque.

Heart failure is when the heart stops functioning properly leading to the heart attack. It’s caused when blood flow is restricted to the cardiac muscles; this means the muscles are deprived of oxygen which they need to function. The muscles gradually stop working and may die, this means that the heart can’t pump blood properly and hence causing heart failure.

Heart failure is normally preceded by certain signs that if spotted in time, can be vital in preventing a heart attack. The most common signs are shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing, tightness around the chest, and buildup of fluids in body tissues, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and anxiety. These signs once seen should be acted upon immediately to avert any impending heart attack.

what causes heart attacks

Here are some facts about heart attacks that show how major an issue it is;

In the US in 2008, heart attacks accounted for 616000 deaths, almost 25% of the deaths, making it the leading killer in the US. It accounts for 25.1% of the deaths in whites making it the leading cause of death among white adults and is estimated to cost the US government $108.9 billion in treatment, medication and lost productivity.

Having answered the question what causes heart attacks with these causes and signs of an impending heart attack, one sees the need to change their lifestyle to lower their risk of heart attack and live a healthy productive life.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Causes of Heart Disease

Causes of Heart Disease
Coronary artery disease, the most common form of cardiovascular disease, is one of the leading causes of death today. But thanks to many studies involving thousands of patients, researchers that have been able to shortlist certain factors that are the Causes of Heart Disease in a person. These are called risk factors. These risk factors contribute to two categories: major and contributing. The major Causes of Heart Disease are:

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): High blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Though other risk factors can lead to high blood pressure, you can have it without having other risk factors. Blood pressure can vary with activity and with age. A healthy adult who is resting generally has a systolic pressure reading between 120 and 130 and a diastolic pressure reading between 80 and 90.

High Blood Cholesterol: this is another risk factor that causes of Heart Disease is high blood cholesterol. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance carried in your blood. This is found in all of your body cells. Your liver produces all of the cholesterol your body needs to form cell membranes and to make certain hormones. Extra cholesterol enters your body when you eat foods that come from animals

Diabetes: Heart problems are the leading cause of death among people with diabetes, especially in the case of adult-onset. If you know that you have diabetes, you should already be under a doctor's care, because good control of blood sugar levels can reduce your risk. If you think you may have diabetes but not sure, you must consult your doctor for tests.

Obesity and Overweight: Extra weight is thought to lead to increased total cholesterol levels. High blood pressure, increased risk of coronary artery disease. Obesity increases your chances of developing other risk factors for example, heart disease, especially high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood cholesterol.

Smoking: Most people realize that cigarette and tabacco smoking increases your risk of lung cancer, but fewer realize that it is one of the causes of Heart Disease and also other peripheral vascular disease.

Heredity: Heart disease tends to run in families. For example, if your siblings or parents had a heart or circulatory problem before the age of 55. But then you are at greater risk of heart disease than someone who does not have complains for heart disease in their family history.

Age: Older age is a risk factor for heart disease. In fact, about 4 out of every 5 deaths occur due to heart diseases that occur in people older than 65.

In addition to this, there are also certain contributing factor that enhances the causes of Heart Disease. They are: Stress, Sex hormones, Birth control pills and Alcohol. Stress is considered an important contributing risk factor for heart disease. The effects of behavior habits, emotional stress, and socioeconomic status on the risk of heart disease and heart attack have not been proven

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease is also known by some other names such as coronary artery disease, ischemic heart disease and atherosclerotic heart disease. Among the various types of heart disease, Coronary heart disease is one of the most common one. It is caused when the atheromatous plaques are accumulated in the the artery walls. As a result of this accumulations atheromatous plaques , the supply of oxygen as well as the nutrients to the muscles of the heart is ceased.

The signs of coronary heart disease can easily be identified in the early stage. But the problems remain that in spite of the signs, no proof or evidence of coronary heart disease is found in its early stage. It therefore, very often results in heart attack all of a sudden. Coronary heart disease has been found to be one of the most common causes of heart or cardiac attacks, often leading to sudden death.

The records in the Guinness Book of Records reveal that Northern Ireland happens to be the most affected country by coronary heart disease, in comparison to the other countries in the world. One more interesting thing related to the coronary heart disease is that in the United State of America, one in every three women, aged 40 or above, and one in every two men, aged 40 and above, are found to be affected by coronary heart disease, either severely or mildly.

The risk factors related to coronary heart disease, are excessive smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, type A behavioral patterns and hyperglycemia. There are also other risk factors of coronary heart disease. One of them is high levels of fibrinogen, also known as hemostatic factors. Hariditaru factors have also been found to be responsible for coronary heart disease.

There are some indirect risk factors of coronary heart disease. In spite of their being indirectly related to coronary heart disease, they prove to be very much significant. Some of such indirect, and yet, significant factors of coronary heart disease are obesity, lowness of diet in antioxidants, richly saturated fat diets, excess of stress and the absences or lack of physical exercise. Men who are aged over 60 and women who are aged more than 65 are very much prone to coronary heart disease. It is one of the commonest diseases in the Western countries.

Prevention of coronary heart disease is not very much unique. If the risk factors can be avoided, coronary heart disease can automatically be avoided. Keep your body in regular exercise. Do not grow the habit of smoking or consuming alcohols. Even if you have the habit, do try to give it up. Addiction to any kind of drugs will be most welcoming for the coronary heart disease. Always try to keep your mind calm and cool. A person with a routined life with less mental stress, is very hard to be affected by coronary heart disease.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease
The changing lifestyle of the people are increasing the risk of heart disease. In the past ten years the maximum death is caused by the heart disease. People suffer from various types of heart disease. One of the most common types of heart disease is Coronary Artery Disease. Most of the people in the world suffer from this disease. Any type of the heart disease can be dangerous to health. The heart disease must be diagnosed earlier in order to avoid the complications. As it is a type of cardiovascular disease special care must be paid to your diet and exercise. It is a disease of arteries. It is also called as CAD. It is said to be one of the main causes of heart attack. In coronary artery disease the blood flow is obstructed in the arteries causing heart attack. When the flow of blood is reduced in the arteries the heart muscles get damaged causing heart attack. It can also result in other heart problems like chest pain. In many cases the disease develops over year and only comes in notice when the patient suffers from heart attack. If the disease is diagnosed in early stage then it can be cured to certain extent thus reducing the complications.

If coronary artery disease becomes more complicated it can largely reduce the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart. The signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease are shortness of breath, chest pain and heart attack. Many people ignore shortnesses of breath but it can be dangerous causing heart attack. Shortness of breath is one o the main symptoms of coronary artery disease. Shortness of breath means the you cannot pump enough blood to the heart. This can also cause fatigue and swelling of arms and ankles. Chest pain is also a common symptom of coronary artery disease. The patient suffering from chest pain can experience heaviness in the chest or pressure in the chest. If the patient suffers from frequent chest pain then he or she must be diagnosed. Heart attack has become very common and maximum number of people are falling pray to it. The maximum number of death in the world is caused by heart attack. In many cases the heart attack happens suddenly without any symptoms and signs. The number of deaths caused by coronary disease is increasing with each year. In United States the disease affecting millions of people.

The complications in coronary artery disease give rise to heart attack, arrhythmia and angina pectoris. Coronary artery disease is the result of atherosclerosis. When a plaque is formed in the arteries it causes atherosclerosis. If the patient is getting early symptoms of coronary artery disease an immediate check up must be done to avoid further complications. If the disease is detected earlier it can reduce many risk. There are lot of tests and surgery done to treat the disease. Those suffering from the disease must put more emphasis on the diet.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Reperfusion injury

Reperfusion injury has been defined as myocardial tissue blood supply after a period of ischemia. Whether reperfusion merely  accelerates the damage that would have occurred during the initial ischemia  or whether there is a additional injury caused by reperfusion itself is still researched. Although the crucial role of reperfusion injury in revascularization procedures has bees recognized, the etiology and pathogenesis of this phenomenon remain unknown.
Myocardial ischemia accompanied by reperfusion injury followed by complete normalization if it took 5 minutes, by diastolic and systolic dysfunction if ischemia took 15-20 minutes and without return contractile function if ischemia took more than one hour.
The most common cause found in patients who died after reperfusion is hemorrhagic infarction. In myocardial infarction of less than 3 days the cellular response is present throughout the myocardial infarction, in contrast to the distinct zones seen in the non- reperfused myocardial infarctions. Reperfusion itself may produce injury.

The mediators of reperfusion injury

Reperfusion injury
One of the mediators of reperfusion injury is oxygen free radicals. The possible role of reactive oxygen species in reperfusion injury has evolved from our knowledge. They elaborate enzyme systems that rapidly detoxify superoxide and peroxide. The metabolism of reactive oxygen also has damaging effects. The investigators of this event have suspected that even physiological quantities of peroxide may inhibit the aerobic oxidation of pyruvate and thus restrict cellular ATP formation.
Another mediator of reperfusion injury is endothelial dysfunction and microvascular injury. Recent reports indicate that endothelium-dependent relaxation  of coronary microvessels is markedly impaired after ischemia with reperfusion. This microvascular endothelium dysfunction may be caused by blood products or myocardial metabolites that are released during the reperfusion period or by oxygen free radicals.
One of the oldest hypotheses about reperfusion injury involved calcium overload. Other mediators involved in reperfusion injury are altered myocardial metabolism and endogenous protective mechanisms.
There are some cardiovascular risk factors influence reperfusion injury. This are  hypercholesterolemia, very high glucose and hypertension.

Pharmacological methods to attenuate reperfusion injury

There are a number of pharmacological methods for attenuate reperfusion injury. In the treatment of myocardial infarction, restoration of coronary flow as soon as possible is a very important thing to prevent and reduce myocardial necrosis and ischemia. By this treatment ensure a reduction of mortality,  complications and a good prognosis in infarction. Early myocardial reperfusion injury prevent necrosis; in this way systolic and diastolic functions are established and are preventable fatal arrhythmias. In the early hours of  infarction,  reperfusion injury offers the greatest benefits: higher thrombus lysis.
Anti-ischemic therapy and lytic therapy has an important role to reduce myocardial energy demand. There are three revascularizations methods: trombembolitic treatment,  coronary angioplasty and coronary bypass. To thrombolytic treatment add anticoagulant and antithrombotic treatment and GP IIb/IIIa blockers. Thrombolytic agents currently used are streptokinase, tissue plasminogen activator and urokinase.

Conclusion for reperfusion injury

In conclusion the beneficial effect of fast recanalization may be offset by reperfusion injury.

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