Showing posts with label difficulty of breathing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label difficulty of breathing. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is exertional dyspnea?

Exertional dyspnea basics

When we hear talking about   exertional dyspnea or in other words “shortness of breath” one must think to the difficulty of breathing when is doing an exercise or easier said, lack of comfort in breathing. But isn’t it normal to experience some kind of dyspnea when we are exercising? Apparently not! In the next article I’m going to explain what is exertional dyspnea, when it appears, when we say this condition is pathological or not and what causes it.
The word “dypnea” is originally composed from two greek words: “dysp” which means hard, heavy, difficult and “pnoia” that means breathing. If we combine these two words we have “hard breathing”also said dyspnea. Dyspnea is a breathing disorder characterized by changing the pace and intensity of respiratory movements.
Exertional dyspnea is frequently overlooked because it can occur to healthy people and is frequent confused with fatigue. It isn’t always a pathological symptom. You can experience exertional dyspnea when you are exercising more than your body is used to, if you have a weight problem (you weigh to much or you are obese), if you are an active smoker, or if the air around you is polluted.
Exertional dyspnea becomes pathological and that means that we should worry and go see a doctor when even if we make the same exercise as we did before we feel like our lungs aren’t getting enough air.

 But how does exertional dyspnea appear ?

Dyspnea due to illness can occur when there is an imbalance between tissue oxygen demand, and the amount of oxygen that the body can provide. Many diseases can give exertional dyspnea , the most common being:
  • anemia (lack of blood) - Shortness of breath is accompanied by pale skin
  • disease with increased energy consumption (as in cancers with different locations, hyperthyroidism, and uncompensated diabetes
  • lung disease (dyspnea by lack of oxygen) of various causes, dyspnea is accompanied by coughing and / or wheezing and  sputum
  • heart disease – exertional dyspnea occurs first and then it can occur during  rest or lying down, the patient can also feel palpitations and chest pains
  • serious liver disease (cirrhosis) - liver as “laboratory” of the body, shortness of breath occurs in cirrhosis by multiple mechanisms
  • severe kidney disease - shortness of breath occurs with changes in fluid and electrolyte balance or anemia (erythropoietin synthesized by  kidney, substance that stimulates the bone marrow to manufacture red blood cells that are the cells that  transport oxygen around the body)
  • hypertension – exertional dyspnea  occurs by forcing the heart and the  blood vessel
  • obesity (fat in the chest and abdomen pressed, preventing the movement of breath, plus a larger amount of tissue needs a greater amount of oxygen).

As you can see there are many conditions that can  manifest as exertional dyspnea, some of them  really serious diseases and that’s why is very important to go see a doctor whenever you notice changes in your breathing rhythm or you experience respiratory problems.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Heart palpitations after eating

Heart palpitations after eating are one of the causes of heart palpitations seen in patients. This may be normal under certain conditions, but if it is associated with other symptoms can be a problem for the patients.
After you read this article you know which are the mechanisms, symptoms, causes, treatments and preventions of heart palpitations after eating.
Heart palpitations after eating are fast heart beats that occurs after eating and may or may not feel the patient. Heart palpitations may be due to cardiac or extracardiac. Very important is the severity of the heart palpitations after eating. They can be without hemodynamic significance (just heart palpitations and anxiety)  or hemodynamically significant, considered severe (with low blood sugar, syncope, chest pain and difficulty of breathing).

Mechanism of heart palpitations after eating  

After eating a meal, need for blood in the stomach and surrounding organs increases and thus aids digestion. In this process of digestion and absorption of food, increased heart rate may be undetectable or may be felt as palpitations. If you want to see if you have heart palpitations    you have to measure your pulse rate. This can be done at any hand with the index and the middle finger of the wrist from the other hand. If the pulse rate is over 90 -100 beats and it is maintained over this values,  the patient should consult a doctor.

Other symptoms that accompany heart palpitations after eating

This are nausea, dizziness, fatigue, asthenia, chest pain, shortness of breath  and discomfort in abdominal region felt as feeling bloated. After dinner heart palpitations after eating can may the patient inability to sleep in peace at night and this may be a very important problem for the patient.

Causes of heart palpitations after eating

There are many causes for this condition. One of this is hiatal hernia, which is a condition that upper part of the stomach enters into the thorax. For this, patients with hiatal hernia should avoid lying position for at least two hours after a meal.
Today an important cause for heart palpitations after eating is obesity. More persons are obese due to environmental factors (a sedentary lifestyle, a diet high in sugar, fast food). In this persons suffering from obesity, the heart must work harder to pump the blood to the stomach. Severe anemia is another cause for heart palpitations after eating. In this patients hemoglobin value are very low and may be accompanied by low serum ferritin values. This palpitations are often accompanied with fatigue, asthenia and adinamie.
There are also hormonal imbalances that cause heart palpitations after eating. Patients with hyperthyroidism (disease of the thyroid gland with overproduction of thyroid hormones).

Treatment of heart palpitations after eating

There is no specific treatment for patients with heart palpitations after eating. They must have a lifestyle adapted for prevent heart palpitations. For example:
  • Have frequent meals and few quantitative
  • Not have a sedentary lifestyle
  • Not have a diet high in sugar and caffeine
  • To conduct periodic reviews to prevent severe anemia or hyperthyroidism

If heart palpitations after eating continue after prevention methods the patients should consult a doctor.

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