Showing posts with label heart failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart failure. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What causes heart attacks? Myocardial Infractions Explained

Heart attack
Heart attack, or myocardial infarction as they are commonly referred to by doctors, occur when blood flow to a part of the heart that  is blocked for an extended period of time leading to the damage or death of tissues in that area which can lead to the heart muscles getting damaged and dying. And that is what causes heart attacks.

The main cause of heart attacks is the blockage of the coronary arteries that deliver blood to the heart. This blockage is caused mainly by the buildup of a substance called plaque which is mainly made up of cholesterol and other cells along the walls of the arteries stopping the flow of blood to the muscles starving them of oxygen and causing them to die. The actual causes of heart attacks are not well known, but they can be triggered by heavy physical activity, being active outside in the cold weather or by severe emotional and physical stress.

Causes of heart failure:

One contributing factor for heart attacks is coronary heart disease. This is governed by your heart disease risk factor. These are habits or conditions that increase your risk of getting coronary heart disease and these factors also increase the risk of coronary heart disease worsening.

The main heart disease risk factors are high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, smoking, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. Any one of or any combination of these factors greatly increases your likelihood of getting coronary heart disease.

Heart problems are another factor that causes heart attacks. These are related to cardiac heart disease. The main one is the clogging of the coronary arteries due to the buildup of plaque.

Heart failure is when the heart stops functioning properly leading to the heart attack. It’s caused when blood flow is restricted to the cardiac muscles; this means the muscles are deprived of oxygen which they need to function. The muscles gradually stop working and may die, this means that the heart can’t pump blood properly and hence causing heart failure.

Heart failure is normally preceded by certain signs that if spotted in time, can be vital in preventing a heart attack. The most common signs are shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing, tightness around the chest, and buildup of fluids in body tissues, dizziness, nausea, fatigue and anxiety. These signs once seen should be acted upon immediately to avert any impending heart attack.

what causes heart attacks

Here are some facts about heart attacks that show how major an issue it is;

In the US in 2008, heart attacks accounted for 616000 deaths, almost 25% of the deaths, making it the leading killer in the US. It accounts for 25.1% of the deaths in whites making it the leading cause of death among white adults and is estimated to cost the US government $108.9 billion in treatment, medication and lost productivity.

Having answered the question what causes heart attacks with these causes and signs of an impending heart attack, one sees the need to change their lifestyle to lower their risk of heart attack and live a healthy productive life.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
Ischemic Cardiomyopathy is a common type of heart disease caused by the congestive heart failure due to coronary artery disease. There are many names given to this heart disease like Ischemic heart disease. This disease is one of the main causes of congestive heart failure. In United States maximum number of people suffer from this disease. This disease happens when the arteries are blocked and results in inadequate supply of blood to the oxygen. Ischemic cardiomyopathy when the cholesterol level of the body increases and create plaque in the arteries. Arteries are one of the major parts of the body which brings blood and oxygen to the body. The patients suffering from this disease can experience angina, heart attack and unstable angina. In many cases the symptoms are unnoticed which can be very dangerous in future. The reasons why this heart disease happens are obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high fat diet, smoking, high blood pressure, etc. The symptoms of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy are breathing difficulty, decreased urine output, fatigue weakness, shortness of breath, irregular pulse, chest pain and cough.

If the patient is found with these symptoms then immediate check up is required. The patient should be frequently under medical supervision of the doctor. Tests must be done in every months to know about the status. Improper diet is also one of the main causes of ischemic cardiomyopathy. The patients of Ischemic cardiomyopathy are suggested to lay more emphasis on diet and exercise. Usually doctor perform many tests on the patients of ischemic cardiomyopathy. This disease is one of the types of cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy is one of the types of heart disease in which the heart becomes enlarged and eventually results in the improper ability of muscles to pump the blood. Abnormalities in ischemic cardiomyopathy is common to see. The disease can be diagnosed physical exam and the patients medical history test. The tests done by the doctor include CT scan, radionuclide studies, cardiac catheterization, chest X-ray, MRI scan, blood tests, exercise stress test, electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiogram. ALL these tests are necessary to detect the risk and complications. These tests will help the doctor to see the depth of the disease. There are many medications available which will improve the heart conditions. But it is suggested to take the medications after the tests are done.

Medications for the patients of ischemic cardiomyopathy are given for two reasons to treat the symptoms and to improve the cardiac function. Whatever may be the medications and tests but if the patient improve his or her diet it can help to remove many symptoms and complications. Regular exercise and maintaining healthy diet is necessary to improve the heart condition. Some patients also undergo many therapies to improve the cardiac conditions. If the disease is extreme then emergency necessary must be done. The rate of heart patients is increasing with each year especially in developed countries. One of the main reasons for the increasing heart risk is the change in the lifestyle.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hypertensive cardiomyopathy

Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy
Hypertensive cardiomyopathy is caused by the excess depression of the myocardial systolic function that in turn increases the stress on the wall of the heart. An individual can have heart failure after functions like ventricular dilatation and depressed systolic remains after the hypertension correction. There are many kinds of heart diseases in which cardiomyopathy is another type. There are many types of cardiomyopathy as well. Hypertension is the major cause of hypertensive cardiomyopathy, hence the name. According to the classification given by WHO/ISFC, hypertensive cardiomyopathy are anything under the category of dilated, unclassified and restrictive. Pathophysiologic of this type of cardiomyopathy is distinct. People who suffer from heart disease are kept under observation and restriction in order to keep them out of stress as much as possible.

Distinct pathophysiologic in hypertension in dilated cardiomyopathy happens from extreme pressure on the systolic wall. In the overloading of right and left ventricles of systolic pressure, there is varieties of phenotypic expression that is qualitatively. This can include the dilation and systolic dysfunction but there is no thickness of the heart wall. Concentric hypertrophy with or without systolic dysfunction and vice versa is seen in hypertensive cardiomyopathy. Local neurohormonal mechanisms contributes to pathophysiology of hypertensive cardiomyopathies. The prognosis of hypertensive cardiomyopathy is possible by the existence of comorbid conditions like diabetes mellitus and diseases like coronary artery. The control of afterload too is another prognosis of hypertensive cardiomyopathy.

Hypertensive cardiomyopathy has treatment similar to ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. The only difference is that the afterload of this heart disease has to be controlled more intensely. Pure antihypertensive vasodilators like amlodipine or a-blocking agents are added to the therapies of heart failure. The symptoms of hypertensive cardiomyopathy are similar to many heart diseases. The symptoms are fatigue, dyspnea, shortness of breath, great need to urinate at night, irregular pulse, weight gain, difficulty sleeping flat in bed, swelling of feet and nausea.

Hypertensive heart disease can give rise to complications known as cardiac arrhythmias, left ventricular hypertrophy, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease and hypertensive cardiomyopathy. The inflammation of the heart muscles weakens the ability of the heart to pump blood into the other parts of the body. This causes lack of oxygen in the body giving rise to fatigue and restlessness. High blood pressure makes the wall of the heart to be under too much stress. Those with heart defects like congenital disease and valve disease are affected by the hypertensive cardiomyopathy or dilated cardiomyopathy. Immediate attention should be paid to those suffering from this disease. Patients with this type of heart disease must be under constant observation and not be allowed to be very stressed out.

Heart diseases are at times hereditary. In these cases, patients should not be over excited or stressed out. This leads to the formation of excess blood pressure inside the heart and the walls are inflamed not being able to take the pressure. The valves and arteries inside the heart are unable to handle the pressure. The clots too should be removed in order to avoid heart complications. With care and proper medications, there is full scope of recovery.

Friday, March 29, 2013

About Heart Disease

Heart Disease
Most of the people in the world suffer from heart disease. In the past couple of decades the number of heart patients have increased tremendously. Th heart is a part of the cardiovascular system and is the most important part of the human body. It is the heart which supply blood to all parts of body cells. The blood pumped by heart carries oxygen which the cells and required. Before knowing about heart disease one must know how people get heart disease. Heart disease is not like a flu or cold which can transfer from one person to another by touching. Many people does not realize that they suffer heart disease unless any major thing happens. Want to know more about heart disease check put the various types of heart disease like Hypertensive heart disease, Cardiovascular disease, Valvular heart disease, Cardiomyopathy, Inflammatory heart disease, Coronary heart disease and Heart failure.

Hypertensive heart disease is a common type of heart disease that most of the people suffer from. This type of heart disease is caused because of high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease effect the blood vessels and the heart. This heart disease mostly effect arteries and veins. The men who suffers from this type of heart disease their heart muscles are mostly effected but in women it effects the blood vessels. Valvular heart disease as the name suggests is mostly related to the heart valves. This heart disease effect aortic valve stenosis and mitral; valve polapse. Cardiomyopathy is also the most common type of heart disease. Cardiomyopathy means heart muscle disease. This heart disease effects the function of myocardium. The people who suffer from this kind of heart disease are at a risk of having sudden cardiac death. Inflammatory heart disease is also very dangerous in which the patient suffer from the inflammation of the heart muscle. Accumulation of atheromatous plaque within the walls of the arteries can cause Coronary heart disease. The heart disease which is caused from any functional cardiac disorder can cause heart failure. From all thee one must have got fair idea about heart disease.

Many people fail to realize they have a heart disease until they face some major problem. The symptoms of heart disease are chest pain, stroke and heart attack. If you find these kind of problems it is suggested to consult the doctor immediately. Get yourself diagnosed properly before opting for any medicine. Some of the common test to be done are If it's not an emergency and a doctor suspects the person could have cardiovascular disease, the doctor can do some tests to find out more about how the heart and blood vessels are working. Some of the tests done for heart disease are Electrocardiogram, Carotid, Echocardiogram, Catheterization and Stress test. All these tests are necessary to do if you want to know about the heart disease. Today maximum number of people are getting effected by the heart disease. In order to avoid all complications of heart disease one must also pay attention to their daily diet.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Congestive heart failure diet

Congestive heart failure diet should be focused on avoiding salt, lipids (especially animal fats) and alcohol. Enjoying the food we eat is very important, but in time, patients with congestive heart failure will learn to like foods with lower amounts of salt. Salt is one of the most feared “enemies” for patients with heart disease, because it favors water retention and increases heart labor, edema (water retention in the tissues) and worsens heart failure symptoms.

Why is it so important to know and respect  the congestive heart failure diet?

Congestive heart failure diet is important to be respected in order to increase quality of life and slow down the disease evolution. Everyone who reads the sentence above may wonder how can congestive heart failure diet increase the quality of life, when we suppose to give up on so many daily “pleasures”. It is hard to imagine that after a so called “normal” life, when we could eat everything we wanted, one day we have to change our life and eating style completely with a congestive heart failure diet plan . Many patients are tempted to skip these rules, thinking that their physician wouldn’t notice or that a few exceptions from time to time wouldn’t harm anyone.
A congestive heart failure diet that includes avoiding lipids is a fact well known by everyone, but also by few respected. We read in many articles that there are good and bad fats and that fats will increase body weight, however, many patients with heart disease don’t respect congestive heart failure diet and gain weight even after their physician recommended they should lose weight. Once the patients become overweight, the risk of developing diabetes, atherosclerosis and therefore hypertension, coronary disease (which determines chest pain, a very often symptom among patients with coronary disease), heart attacks or strokes increases. Good fats are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, found mostly in cold-water fish, nuts, oils and seeds, and also in dark leafy greens, flaxseed oils and some vegetable oils. Omega-3 fatty acid is an “essential fatty acid,” which cannot be synthesized by our bodies, the only source for this is food. Congestive heart failure diet should contain Omega-3 fatty acids, because these essential acids can lower blood pressure, combat LDL (bad) cholesterol, also it is thought to play a role in brain protection.
Congestive heart failure diet should definitely exclude alcohol, although this is not a type of food it is often used for different, most of them groundless reasons, like routine, entourage acceptance, digestion, pain relieve. Chronic alcohol consumption can determine a type of dilated cardiomyopathy which in time will lead to congestive heart failure. However, small amounts of wine it is considered to have a favorable impact, due to its antioxidant features.
A correct congestive heart failure diet should also contain limited amounts of foods rich in sugar or carbohydrates (the main source of energy for the body, transformed into blood sugar, mostly glucose, the body’s basic fuel and also the main source of calories) like: cookies, chocolate, candies, biscuits, sweet fruits like banana, pears, strawberries, sugar as such, honey, milk, popcorn, green peas, sweet potatoes etc.

Please consult your medic about a congestive heart failure diet, and don’t eat random.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Symptoms of congestive heart failure


Symptoms of congestive heart failure have a great impact on a person’s life, considering this is a progressive and eventually fatal medical condition. Nowadays, in the economic well developed countries, people die because of the heart problems, more then they do from any other cause. It is important to know that symptoms of congestive heart failure have a fluctuating evolution: there are episodes with severe symptoms, followed by long periods of time when the situation is stable, nevertheless, even if people recover from the acute phase, they can’t return to the previous level of functionality. Also, it is very important to mention that is difficult to predict how much time is left to live once the diagnosis is established, because sudden death isn’t uncommon in these patients. Heart failure is not just a disease of an one individual, but a disease that affects the entire family.

What do you know about symptoms of congestive heart failure?

If you are one of the patients suffering from congestive heart failure, you should be informed about the symptoms of congestive heart failure and when to sick medical help. Every readmission to the hospital will increase mortality; there are medical articles that suggest a 20-30% increase of this risk with every readmission. You may experience shortness of breath during effort (exertion dyspnea), during night (nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea) or even when you rest( in the advanced stages of the congestive heart failure). At the beginning, shortness of breath occurs only during great effort, but in time, daily activities that once were performed very easily, like dressing, shaving, eating etc, can produce shortness of breath and force the patient to give up on his/her social life and depend on other person’s help. Another form of rest dyspnea is orthopnea, meaning that you can’t breathe while lying in the bed and you require elevation of the head with pillows.
Other symptoms of congestive heart failure are palpitations, rapid heart beats, fatigue, fainting, blue coloring of the lips or limb extremities, accumulation of water in the limbs tissues (this  condition is called edema) lungs, pleural and abdominal cavities, heart murmurs.
Because heart can’t deliver enough blood to muscles, patients will experience weakness and heaviness in the limbs. A low blood flow to the kidneys will determine oliguria (diminished amount of urine), this condition appears in advanced stages, when the cardiac output is severely reduced.
Cerebral manifestations of low cardiac output are also symptoms of congestive heart failure: headaches, insomnia, confusion, memory impairment, anxiety or nightmares. In more severe cases, patients experience other symptoms of congestive heart failure that require special medical care: hallucinations, delirium, disorientation.
In the end, we will present a list with a few symptoms of congestive heart failure, which may guide patients to require medical help (they were published in a guide for caregivers, by The Washington Home Center for Palliative Care Studies):
  • gain of 3 pounds or more within a few days or a week,
  • increased swelling in hands, ankles or feet,
  • difficulty breathing at any time or coughing at night,
  • decreased urination,
  • confusion, dizziness, or faintness,
  • nausea or vomiting,
  • increased fatigue,
  • muscle cramps or weakness,
  • any distressing symptom.

For more info on symptoms of congestive heart failure check with your doctor.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Decompensated heart failure

Decompensated heart failure is the term used to define heart incapacity of pumping enough blood in the main arteries, according to the organism needs. What distinguishes decompensated heart failure from a compensated heart failure is the fact that defensive mechanisms are not efficient anymore and the blood amount delivered to the tissues is no longer sufficient, which determines a variety of symptoms as we are going to reveal next.
How do you know you have a decompensated heart failure and if u need to go to the hospital? Decompensated heart failure has different manifestations, as following:
  •  when the left heart is inefficient, blood will stagnate into the heart chambers forcing them to enlarge or increase the number of muscle fibers in order to increase cardiac force; this is a defensive mechanism, which will compensate for a while the inefficient function of the heart. Once this mechanism is no longer able to control the situation, blood will stagnate in the lungs, increasing the pressure in the pulmonary vessels and from this point on, pulmonary edema (accumulation of water in the lungs) and pulmonary hypertension may occur. All these manifestations are a sign that the heart can no longer compensate its diminished function, so we are facing a decompensated heart failure.
  •  in right heart insufficiency, cardiac muscle won’t be able to pump blood into the pulmonary arteries, so the blood will flow back in the venous system, determining accumulation of water in different tissues (lower limbs, abdomen-ascites, pleural space).
In clinical practice, people with decompensated heart failure will experience important shortness of breath, being unable to breathe while lying (a condition known as orthopnoea), blue color of the lips and limbs extremities, fatigue, palpitations or rapid heart beats, incapacity of performing daily activities. In more advanced cases, hypotension, fainting, ischemia of lower limbs, stroke or renal failure may occur, these manifestations being the consequence of the low blood flow in the arteries that feed the brain, kidney, or limbs.

What is the cause for decompensated heart failure?

There are many causes for decompensated heart failure, the most important ones are the following:
  •  hypertension-if patients don’t follow the treatment, high blood pressure will increase the labor of an already weak heart, making it impossible to accomplish body needs,
  •  salt intake-will favor water accumulation in the body, increasing blood volume and requesting a higher cardiac labor,
  • infections: respiratory infections, heart wall infections like myocarditis,
  • heart attacks, arrhythmia,
  • weight gain is common cause of decompensated heart failure,
  • patients that no longer respect their heart medication,
  • patients that continue to smoke, drink alcohol, with high levels of blood lipids etc.
What are the steps to follow in decompensated heart failure ? People in this condition must be admitted to hospital, carefully watched, investigated for different conditions that might have provoked decompensated heart failure and follow a well established therapy (diuretics and cardiotonic medication will be needed in order to eliminate the overload of water and increase cardiac muscle force).
People with heart failure will have a different number of hospital admissions, followed by „free” periods of time, when the symptoms will be stable. However, the compliance to medical recommendations will determine how fast this disease will evolve, together with the other conditions we enumerated above. Despite the correct treatment and compliance of the patient, heart failure will progress until the only option left is cardiac transplant, but the speed of this evolution can be controlled by avoiding the conditions that favor heart failure to decompensate.

Please call your doctor to find out mode about decompensated heart failure.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ejection fraction heart failure

What is ejection fraction heart failure?
Ejection fraction heart failure it is a term used to describe the amount of blood that heart can deliver to the main arteries. In medical practice, doctors measure the ejection fraction heart failure because this examination offers details about heart function and helps to determine if  there is a heart failure or not. Once the heart function is impaired, the ejection fraction begins to diminish and the systemic consequences of heart failure begin to occur. In early stages, the body will try to compensate the changes appeared due to heart function decrease, but in time these will become obviously.
What are the signs of ejection fraction heart failure?

When you are suffering from heart failure it is important to recognize the problem and look for a doctor as soon as possible, only in this way you can receive the correct treatment which will help the heart to function better and delay farther deterioration. At the beginning, people with diminished ejection fraction heart failure will feel more and more tired, but usually this symptom is wrongly associated with getting old, gaining weight, anemia or simply overlooked. Many people will find it is normal to feel tired during effort, without noticing that a few months ago they were able to perform the same effort without getting tired. Only when tiredness is getting worse and they have to deal it in common daily activities like walking, they begin to feel is something wrong and look for medical help, but in that moment their ejection fraction heart failure is already diminished. There are a lot of people living with diminished ejection fraction heart failure without knowing about this until they have routine medical examination or until symptoms get worse. In time, tiredness is accompanied by shortness of breath, blue coloring of lips, hands, feet, legs begin to swallow due to edema. It is important to report these symptoms to your doctor, because this will help him suspect your heart is not working normally. Diagnosing heart failure is not the last step before patients can start taking medication, it is also very important to find the cause for ejection fraction heart failure deterioration: is it a heart attack, a heart valves pathology, infections of heart walls, ischemia (heart cells don’t receive enough oxygen) ? etc.

Is there any treatment for diminished ejection fraction heart failure?

There are many drugs available that can help heart function better, but there is no cure for this, once the heart failure occurs, heart function and ejection fraction will deteriorate in time. What we can achieve by medication is to delay the progress of heart function impairment, ameliorate symptoms and increase the quality of life. One mistake made by many patients is to think that once they take the prescribed medication, their heart will continue to function normally from that point on, forgetting to fallow a correct diet, without salt and fats, continuing to drink alcohol, smoke, gain weight,  etc.

In patients diagnosed with heart failure, periodically heart function evaluation is very important and one examination that can offer information about the evolution of heart function is ejection fraction heart failure.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Decreased cardiac output

What is a decreased cardiac output?

Decreased cardiac output is a synonymous term used for heart failure or heart insufficiency. In patients suffering from decreased cardiac output or heart failure, the amount of blood that vessels „offer” to the tissues is not enough for the metabolic demands. Decreased cardiac output means that heart can’t function at its proper parameters, even if the heart muscle labor increases and all types of compensating mechanisms are used.
How can doctors tell us if we have a decreased cardiac output?
Decreased cardiac output determines a diminished ejection fraction (a smaller amount of blood is delivered to the aorta and its branches) and can be discovered when your doctor performs an echocardiography. Measuring the ejection fraction periodically will offer information about the heart failure evolution, but is not always correlated with the severity of symptoms. For example, there are patients with severe decreased cardiac output (about 24%) that still can perform common activities without having shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations or getting tired, while other patients with a higher ejection fraction (and therefore a higher cardiac output) have all the symptoms listed above.

Decreased cardiac output- clinical case report:

After the theoretical part of this article listed above is time to pass to a more practical part, in order to understand what the decreased cardiac output manifestations are and how it can affect people life and daily activities.
Next we will present a case of a 63 years old patient suffering from heart failure, with a decreased cardiac output, so we can have a better image of how life is for a person diagnosed with this disorder.
Case report:
A 63-year-old Caucasian man had a 40 years medical history of diabetes, treated with glyburide 10 mg twice/day. He was also known with coronary heart disease and heart failure (left ventricular ejection fraction 25% determined by echocardiogram, NYHA class II-III), hypercholesterolemia, and chronic renal insufficiency (serum creatinine 1.4-1.8 mg/dl). His drug therapy included aspirin 325 mg/day, digoxin 0.125 mg/day, simvastatin 20 mg at bedtime, metoprolol 50 mg twice/day, and nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingually as needed. At that clinic visit, the patient had no other complaints and his heart failure appeared stable. Nine days later he came to the clinic with an increase in weight of 3.6 kg (baseline weight 78.6 kg) complaining of shortness of breath. Physical examination revealed bibasilar rales (pulmonary sounds heard during breathing which may indicate infection, pulmonary edema, allergy or bleeding etc.), +S3 gallop (abnormal sound heart during heart auscultation, which indicates heart failure), and increased jugular venous distention (JVD-because right heart has a decreased function, blood will flow back into the veins that bring it into the heart chambers), but no lower extremity edema. Again, he reported adherence to drug therapy and no dietary indiscretions.  After treatment adjustment he was released from the hospital, but returned 2 weeks later reporting that his weight increased, and legs edema occurred, while his wife confirmed he had a high sodium intake. Chest radiograph was consistent with pulmonary edema. Fluids were immediately restricted, and the patient was given bumetanide 5 mg intravenously twice/day. By hospital day 2 the patient had lost 4.1 kg by diuresis and  on hospital day 5 his heart failure was stable.
In conclusion, decreased cardiac output is the main manifestation of heart failure and has a great impact in patients’ life (as we saw in the case above).

If you think you have any of the following symptoms of decreased cardiac output contact your hospital.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Left sided heart failure

Left sided heart failure is the term used to describe the incapacity of the left heart to supply tissues with blood. Left heart has two chambers known as left atrium and ventricle, which communicate thorough the mitral valve. The left atrium (the left upper chamber of the heart) receives oxygenated blood from the lungs, through pulmonary veins and this blood will be delivered to left ventricle (the lower left chamber). The whole amount of blood is pumped by left ventricle in the aorta (which is the main artery of the body) and then into the less large arteries that supply all the tissues and organs (kidney, liver, digestive organs, brain, limbs). Imagine blood flowing in the arteries as a liquid passing through a tube (pipe) and all the factors and interactions between them, which have great influence on the amount of blood that in the end each tissue will get and also the influence on the whole organism: e.g. blood consistency (a viscous blood will allow clots to appear), pressure that blood develops on arterial wall, the influence of arterial walls pressure on blood flow etc.

What is the cause for left sided heart failure?

Left sided heart failure is caused by different pathologies:
  • congenital heart diseases,
  • heart attack (the ischemia determines cardiac cells to die and a part of the heart is no longer functional),
  • coronary heart disease (a chronic ischemia of the heart tissue, a chronic deprivation of oxygen will determine tissues changes in order to adapt to the new condition and in the end cardiomyopathy and left sided heart failure)
  • high blood pressure forces the left heart to increase its labor and force, and the only way this can be possible is to increase number of muscle fibers (but the numbers of vessels will remain unchanged, so the same number of vessels will supply a larger number of muscle fibers, which will determine heart ischemia with all the consequences that result from this condition) and increase inside pressure (this pressure will act on heart walls to and will press the vessels which won’t be able to fill enough and this will lead to ischemia)
  • another cause of left sided heart failure is heart valves pathology: leaking valves (an amount of blood remains in the heart chambers creating a blood deficit in the tissues and forcing heart, at the next contraction, to throw in the aorta a larger amount of blood, this means a greater labor, which in time will lead to left sided heart failure) or narrow valves (the heart muscle must defeat the obstacle represented by the narrow valves),
  • heart muscle infection will determine cardiomyopathy and left sided heart failure,
  • excessive alcohol consumption will determine dilated cardiomyopathy and left sided heart failure,
  • thyroid dysfunctions,
  • heart muscle disorders,
  • major cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beats).

What happens in the systemic blood circulation, when there is a left sided heart failure?

Left sided heart failure
Compromise of left ventricular function will result in poor systemic circulation: muscle weakness, cool extremities, fatigue, low tolerance to effort, fainting, chest pain, palpitations, rapid heart beats, dizziness, confusion, memory impairment. Backward failure of left ventricle results in pulmonary congestion (blood will remain in the pulmonary veins creating a great pressure and determining shortness of breath, first on exertion and then at rest), hypoxemia (low level of oxygen in the blood), cyanosis (blue coloring of the extremities, because of the hypoxemia), tachypnea (increased rate of breathing), pulmonary edema (because of the great pressure in the pulmonary veins, the fluid from the blood will go through veins walls into the lung). Valvular heart disease may occur due to the increased pressures in heart chambers and pulmonary veins. Another symptom of left sided heart failure is paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (sudden and severe breathlessness attack during night, several hours after going to sleep).
If you have signs of left sided heart failure please call an MD for medical advice.

Friday, November 16, 2012

What is cardiovascular disease?

We read very often about cardiovascular disease, about heart failure, heart attack, stroke and many other disorders, but we don’t know for sure what is cardiovascular disease, why and how it occurs and what changes occur in our body. Next, we will try to explain what is cardiovascular disease in the society of nowadays and how much did medicine advanced in this research field.

What is cardiovascular disease

A question that scientists succeeded to answer but failed to cure.

Nowadays, when more and more people are suffering from heart disease we may wonder what is cardiovascular disease and why is it the first cause of death in most of the countries. We invest millions of dollars on research, looking and testing a lot of drugs, we even found out what is causing AIDS (and we succeeded to transform it in a „chronic” disease) and many other disease with strange names. But all the time there is a new disease, a new virus or bacteria that gives us trouble to treat and sometimes it feels that the more drugs we discover, the more diseases occur. Even so, the most frequent cause of death are
cardiovascular disease, a group of diseases that seem to be entirely understood, with lots of article and medical research, that could make some wonder what else is left to discover. The truth it is far from being so, as with the medical treatment we have at this moment we can only slow down these disease and not cure. Even the prophylaxis of cardiovascular disease is not very promising as we live in the century of unhealthy foods, McDonald’s food, alcohol consumption, smoking, stress, sedentariness and we spend all out time watching TV and working on computer.
After we established how important these diseases are, now let’s finally find out what is cardiovascular disease.

What is cardiovascular disease? A group of disorders that affect heart, brain and blood vessels.

The most frequent cardiovascular diseases:
  • hypertension: high blood pressure affects both brain and heart as it can determine bleeding (stroke) or small infarcts in the brain and also determine or worsen heart failure. Beside heart and brain, hypertension also affects eyes and kidneys.
  • heart valve disease: valves fail to close or open properly and in time they can cause heart failure,
  • irregular heart beats can cause fainting, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue or even heart failure,
  • other heart tissues disorders: infection, metabolic disorders that affect heart (different disorders that can determine deposits of some substances in heart tissues like iron, copper etc)
  • strokes: a blood cloth can block one of the brain blood vessels and make a variable brain area to die or a blood vessel may break and let blood flow into the brain (this usually occurs in patients with hypertension or with blood vessel malformations).
  • atherosclerosis: fat deposits in the blood vessels wall that in time can determine strokes, heart attack, chest pain, arterial disorder with legs pain during walking and even during rest, in advanced cases, neurologic symptoms: dizziness, fatigue, fainting, drowsiness, memory and concentration dysfunction etc.
Now that we found out what is cardiovascular disease, let’s see how is treated. As we’ve seen, it is easy to answer what is cardiovascular disease, but is difficult to treat it. Treatment has two parts and two partners: the patient and the doctor. The patient should respect a healthy diet, with no salt, fats and sweets, attend regular exercise (jogging, running or any kind of sport), no smoking or alcohol consumption, keep a normal weight, control blood pressure and blood sugar. Doctors have a large number of drugs they can use, the purpose of this treatment is to slow down the disease and treat other disorders that may worsen cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, high level of fats in the blood, infections, irregular heart beats etc. It is also important to prevent other cardiovascular events from happening, that’s why antiplatelet medication like aspirin is prescribed in patients that are suffering from cardiovascular disease.
We hope this article can offer a brief answer to the question what is cardiovascular disease and why this medical problem is so important in nowadays society.

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