Showing posts with label hypertension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypertension. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease is also known by some other names such as coronary artery disease, ischemic heart disease and atherosclerotic heart disease. Among the various types of heart disease, Coronary heart disease is one of the most common one. It is caused when the atheromatous plaques are accumulated in the the artery walls. As a result of this accumulations atheromatous plaques , the supply of oxygen as well as the nutrients to the muscles of the heart is ceased.

The signs of coronary heart disease can easily be identified in the early stage. But the problems remain that in spite of the signs, no proof or evidence of coronary heart disease is found in its early stage. It therefore, very often results in heart attack all of a sudden. Coronary heart disease has been found to be one of the most common causes of heart or cardiac attacks, often leading to sudden death.

The records in the Guinness Book of Records reveal that Northern Ireland happens to be the most affected country by coronary heart disease, in comparison to the other countries in the world. One more interesting thing related to the coronary heart disease is that in the United State of America, one in every three women, aged 40 or above, and one in every two men, aged 40 and above, are found to be affected by coronary heart disease, either severely or mildly.

The risk factors related to coronary heart disease, are excessive smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, type A behavioral patterns and hyperglycemia. There are also other risk factors of coronary heart disease. One of them is high levels of fibrinogen, also known as hemostatic factors. Hariditaru factors have also been found to be responsible for coronary heart disease.

There are some indirect risk factors of coronary heart disease. In spite of their being indirectly related to coronary heart disease, they prove to be very much significant. Some of such indirect, and yet, significant factors of coronary heart disease are obesity, lowness of diet in antioxidants, richly saturated fat diets, excess of stress and the absences or lack of physical exercise. Men who are aged over 60 and women who are aged more than 65 are very much prone to coronary heart disease. It is one of the commonest diseases in the Western countries.

Prevention of coronary heart disease is not very much unique. If the risk factors can be avoided, coronary heart disease can automatically be avoided. Keep your body in regular exercise. Do not grow the habit of smoking or consuming alcohols. Even if you have the habit, do try to give it up. Addiction to any kind of drugs will be most welcoming for the coronary heart disease. Always try to keep your mind calm and cool. A person with a routined life with less mental stress, is very hard to be affected by coronary heart disease.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Types of Heart Disease

Heart disease has become a disease which is effecting maximum number of people. Heart disease effects the functions of the heart. Heart is the most important part of human body which pumps the blood to the blood cells. Inadequate supply of blood may to blood cells can lead to many complications. There are many types of heart disease and each type of heart disease effects the heart in one or another way. The death caused by heart disease has increased in the past few years. The new techniques of diagnosing the heart disease has helped in spreading the awareness about the disease. As the lifestyle of people is changing more and more people are becoming victim of heart disease. The types of heart disease are Coronary heart disease (CHD), Rheumatic heart disease, Heart rhythm disorders, High blood pressure, Hypertensive heart disease, Heart attack, Pulmonary heart disease, Ischemic heart disease, Heart murmurs and Tachycardia.

Types of Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the types of heart disease. It is one of the common types of heart disease caused by inefficiency of blood supply. Most of the people suffer from this type of disease. The heart disease which is caused by the heart damage from rheumatic fever. There are many symptoms of Rheumatic heart disease and each symptom varies according to the heart damage. The heart rhythm disorder is also called as arrhythmia. It is the the disorder in the rhythm of heart. This heart disease can sometime be harmless and dangerous also. One of the common types of heart disease is the disease caused by high blood pressure. It is a disease which is effects maximum number of people. This heart disease is called hypertension. This type of heart disease has to be diagnosed properly to avoid further complications. It is also called as a silent killer. The blood pressure has to be constantly checked. High blood pressure can give arise to many problems. Headache, discomfort and tinnitus are some of the symptoms of blood pressure. Hypertensive heart disease is also a type of heart similar to the heart disease cause by high blood pressure. Symptoms of the hypertensive heart disease are shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, irregular pulse and hypertension.

Heart attack is also one of the types of heart disease. It is very deadly and is causing maximum number of deaths. It is also called as cardiac arrest and the symptom of this disease is the chest pain. Emergency help is also required if the chest pain is too much. Sometime people mistake chest pain with common heart burn. Pulmonary heart disease is caused because of lung disorder. When the flow of blood to the lungs are blocked this causes lung pressure and eventually resulting in a heart disease. The common symptoms of this type of heart disease are syncope, shortness of breath, chest pain, dyspneea, etc. In heart murmur the heart beat of the heart sounds different from the normal beating. Tachycardia results from the fast and rapid heart beat.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ischemic heart disease

Ischemic heart disease
Most of the people in the world suffer from heart disease. In the past couple of decades the number of heart patients have increased tremendously. Th heart is a part of the cardiovascular system and is the most important part of the human body. It is the heart which supply blood to all parts of body cells. The blood pumped by heart carries oxygen which the cells and required. Before knowing about heart disease one must know how people get heart disease. Heart disease is not like a flu or cold which can transfer from one person to another by touching. Many people does not realize that they suffer heart disease unless any major thing happens. Want to know more about heart disease check put the various types of heart disease like Hypertensive heart disease, Cardiovascular disease, Valvular heart disease, Cardiomyopathy, Inflammatory heart disease, Coronary heart disease and Heart failure.

Hypertensive heart disease is a common type of heart disease that most of the people suffer from. This type of heart disease is caused because of high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease effect the blood vessels and the heart. This heart disease mostly effect arteries and veins. The men who suffers from this type of heart disease their heart muscles are mostly effected but in women it effects the blood vessels. Valvular heart disease as the name suggests is mostly related to the heart valves. This heart disease effect aortic valve stenosis and Mitral Valve prolapse. Cardiomyopathy is also the most common type of heart disease. Cardiomyopathy means heart muscle disease. This heart disease effects the function of myocardium. The people who suffer from this kind of heart disease are at a risk of having sudden cardiac death. Inflammatory heart disease is also very dangerous in which the patient suffer from the inflammation of the heart muscle. Accumulation of atheromatous plaque within the walls of the arteries can cause Coronary heart disease. The heart disease which is caused from any functional cardiac disorder can cause heart failure. From all thee one must have got fair idea about heart disease.

Many people fail to realize they have a heart disease until they face some major problem. The symptoms of heart disease are chest pain, stroke and heart attack. If you find these kind of problems it is suggested to consult the doctor immediately. Get yourself diagnosed properly before opting for any medicine. Some of the common test to be done are If it's not an emergency and a doctor suspects the person could have cardiovascular disease, the doctor can do some tests to find out more about how the heart and blood vessels are working. Some of the tests done for heart disease are Electrocardiogram, Carotid, Echo-cardiogram, Catheterization and Stress test. All these tests are necessary to do if you want to know about the heart disease. Today maximum number of people are getting effected by the heart disease. In order to avoid all complications of heart disease one must also pay attention to their daily diet.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is exertional dyspnea?

Exertional dyspnea basics

When we hear talking about   exertional dyspnea or in other words “shortness of breath” one must think to the difficulty of breathing when is doing an exercise or easier said, lack of comfort in breathing. But isn’t it normal to experience some kind of dyspnea when we are exercising? Apparently not! In the next article I’m going to explain what is exertional dyspnea, when it appears, when we say this condition is pathological or not and what causes it.
The word “dypnea” is originally composed from two greek words: “dysp” which means hard, heavy, difficult and “pnoia” that means breathing. If we combine these two words we have “hard breathing”also said dyspnea. Dyspnea is a breathing disorder characterized by changing the pace and intensity of respiratory movements.
Exertional dyspnea is frequently overlooked because it can occur to healthy people and is frequent confused with fatigue. It isn’t always a pathological symptom. You can experience exertional dyspnea when you are exercising more than your body is used to, if you have a weight problem (you weigh to much or you are obese), if you are an active smoker, or if the air around you is polluted.
Exertional dyspnea becomes pathological and that means that we should worry and go see a doctor when even if we make the same exercise as we did before we feel like our lungs aren’t getting enough air.

 But how does exertional dyspnea appear ?

Dyspnea due to illness can occur when there is an imbalance between tissue oxygen demand, and the amount of oxygen that the body can provide. Many diseases can give exertional dyspnea , the most common being:
  • anemia (lack of blood) - Shortness of breath is accompanied by pale skin
  • disease with increased energy consumption (as in cancers with different locations, hyperthyroidism, and uncompensated diabetes
  • lung disease (dyspnea by lack of oxygen) of various causes, dyspnea is accompanied by coughing and / or wheezing and  sputum
  • heart disease – exertional dyspnea occurs first and then it can occur during  rest or lying down, the patient can also feel palpitations and chest pains
  • serious liver disease (cirrhosis) - liver as “laboratory” of the body, shortness of breath occurs in cirrhosis by multiple mechanisms
  • severe kidney disease - shortness of breath occurs with changes in fluid and electrolyte balance or anemia (erythropoietin synthesized by  kidney, substance that stimulates the bone marrow to manufacture red blood cells that are the cells that  transport oxygen around the body)
  • hypertension – exertional dyspnea  occurs by forcing the heart and the  blood vessel
  • obesity (fat in the chest and abdomen pressed, preventing the movement of breath, plus a larger amount of tissue needs a greater amount of oxygen).

As you can see there are many conditions that can  manifest as exertional dyspnea, some of them  really serious diseases and that’s why is very important to go see a doctor whenever you notice changes in your breathing rhythm or you experience respiratory problems.

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